TV Media Planning Process

TV advertisements reach a lot of people, and for that reason, it is a great way to get your message across the masses. However, how successfully your paid ad campaign actually is, directly depends on how you perform in the media planning phase. There are some necessary steps that you need to follow before you go ahead with TV media planning and buying.

Define the Objective

The first step is pretty straightforward, and it is here that you need to answer the “why” question of your advertisement. There could be many reasons for you to run an ad, it could be to boost revenue, launch a new product, or to create brand awareness in general. If you know what your objective is, it can be beneficial for media planning.

During this time, you will also have to identify the reach of the advertisement. This means gauging how many people will see the message over a certain period. If you are going to use printed advertisements as well, you need to know the number of prints that are produced and sent out.

Determine Your Target Audience

The next thing that you need to do is identify your target audience. This includes income, demographics, and age group of the audience. With the help of this information, you can create a profile for the target audience. There are many ways to learn about your target audience, but one of the most effective methods is through opinion surveys. By performing the market analysis and identifying your target audience, you can predict your costs and also settle for the right media for your campaign.

Set a Budget

One of the most important factors to consider during the TV media planning process is setting the budget. You need to set a budget that can be easily followed through, and this can be done by determining your spending power and projected sales. You need to optimize your budget and stay within the constraints, which is easier said than done.

Create a Proper Message

No matter what your objective is, if you want to impress your audience, your message needs to be convincing. The creative message of an ad needs to be identified in the beginning, and you need to consider your brand voice and tonality to do so. If your objective is to generate more revenue for the brand, the call to action will be different. If the goal is different, the call to action will obviously also be different.

The Frequency of the Ad

The last step that you need to cover during the TV media planning process is determining the frequency of the ad. What this means is you need to identify the number of times you are going to show the message to your audience. This is an important aspect when you are trying to drive effective sales or enable brand recall. Now that you have a plan, it is time to execute, and this is where you buy media. Media buying refers to the space that you purchase in a particular media. At this stage, you submit the ad and make the necessary payments.

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