Optimizing TV Advertising

Are you aware that watching TV is America’s favorite leisure activity? 

According to data from the American Time survey, about 80% of the American population, watch TV. The survey further confirms that they spend more time on TV than they do at other leisure activities such as sports. With this large amount of TV viewers, advertisers should aim at optimizing TV ads to increase their returns. 

TV advertising offers more than transactional forms of online marketing.  In a Google study of 98 TV campaigns, every campaign saw a rise in product discovery after its TV ad aired. 

With TV advertising, advertisers can leverage consumer attention over an extended period. They can tell stories and project values that will stick in the public’s mind. Investing in TV ads as part of your portfolio to increase your ROI is certainly a good step. 

With all the money it costs to advertise on TV, optimizing your ad is very important. You should also know that TV optimization could be challenging. This is because of advertising online channels, like Google or Facebook, make tracking user behavior easy. TV, on the other hand, does not give access to such a detailed understanding of individual behavior. This makes it difficult to gauge the response. Below are a few ways by which TV ads could be optimized.

How can you optimize television ads for higher returns on investment (ROI)? 

Measure the Visitors in Subsets

How can you optimize television ads for higher returns on investment (ROI)?

Technically, the challenge here is to determine whether a visitor came to a site due to a TV ad, or whether they would have visited anyway. It is difficult to do this in a deterministic way, which makes measuring visits in subsets very useful. If these subsets are measured in the short term and not long term, an inference can be drawn about TV marketing performance as a whole. 

Having identified the visits that can be measured with an audience measurement system, there is a need to then understand cost and revenue on a per-visitor basis. Once there are indicators of cost and revenue, you can then make decisions about the most efficient allocation of spend-over, or different messaging to maximize revenue and minimize costs.

Capture Your Audience

Marketing To Your Target Audience

With the rise in digital ad expenses, there’s every reason to work this strategy into your advertising mix. Whichever methods you choose while optimizing your campaigns for the right platforms, don’t neglect to tell your story. 

Although media platforms are not particularly designed for this, storytelling is still the most important element of advertising. You need to consider your audience and how to best communicate with them on each platform.

Analyze and Optimize Performance as You Go

Best Performing  Ads = More Returns on Investment

Usually, advertisers waited weeks to measure the success of TV ads, depending solely on ratings. In recent times producers can no longer afford to wait to understand how TV initiatives perform. 

When a producer knows the aspects of a TV ad that drive response and the ones that do not, he can make continuous optimizations on the former to improve performance. Depending on the TV buy, the producer can even make changes anytime.  Tv rating analytics can improve the returns on your ad spent.

Make TV and Search Work Together

Offline & Online Marketing For Better Returns & Visibility

Most of the time, advertisers keep online and offline marketing initiatives separate. This stiff approach is disadvantageous. This is because there’s a strong relationship between channels, especially TV and search. TV ads have become a primary driver of digital activity, and the minutes after viewing are when consumer intent-to-buy rises.

With the right technology, producers can understand TV better. They can know what networks, programs, and genres are working, and which ones are not. Advertisers can, therefore, aim at TV audiences (segments that will respond) with customized messages hence making the best of their TV campaigns. 

How about using a platform digitally designed to measure TV analytics?

Analytics Drives Success

RSG Media has one of the best tv advertising analytics platforms that managers can utilize to optimize TV advertising. 

I fell in love with RSG Media tools in 2018 and their constant innovation is high-end for any data analyst compared to a lot of digital platforms out there with a lot of outdated tools.

Yes, I am rooting for RSG Media because I love innovation. Never shy away from innovation. Innovation is bound to win. Remember, optimization is king.

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