Television ads have been around long enough and have been major revenue generators for TV companies. However, in recent times, TV viewing has declined while content owners and distributors are directing their focus to digital service platforms. However, there is still a large amount of money vested into traditional cable and satellite, which is to say TV ads can still be the starlight.

A TV ad is also called a television commercial, TV advert or simply an advert. It is a brief portion of time paid for by an organization to be aired during a television program. It carries a message and it is targeted to market a product or service. 

Three main tasks are involved in producing TV commercials; 

a.    Creating a television advertisement that meets the standard of broadcasts

b.    Placing the advertisement on television to reach the targeted customer 

c.    Measuring the proceeds of these ads, including the return on investment (ROI)

Advertising revenue has provided large portions of the funding for most television networks that are privately owned whilst promoting a wide range of goods and services. 

A sales log is a record kept by a company for the purposes of monitoring and forecasting. Various sets of data and information as they relate to sales are kept for use in the future as the need arises. Keeping track of various transactions and values in sales is important in any business. This record-keeping procedure is very important in the TV commercial business because a loss or unrecorded data would affect the smooth operation of the company and the achievement of its goals.

Sales logs contain relevant information which is helpful in getting a clear and broad overview of the amount of revenue generated by sales. Sales logs are very important tools in revenue generation because they provide information critical in various forecasting procedures that rely on sales history to generate and anticipate trends. In spite of the importance of sales logs as well as the importance of their generation and optimization, some firms do not understand them and fail to fully optimize them. 

It’s not that television advertising is going to be extinct, but the TV ad business model is in a time of major transition. Yes, we all still gather around to watch ads but things have definitely changed from when one TV ad could transform a company’s sales numbers. Although TV advertising is still one of the most effective ways to create awareness about a product or brand, TV ad spending is moving to the digital realm and media companies are working to find digital solutions. The sales log optimization promises real-time results with its seamless and integrated solutions.

In the sales log optimization, TV ad spot scheduling for cable and broadcast is optimized using proprietary audience scheduling logs to deliver guaranteed deals more efficiently. Forecasting accuracy using the sales logs is a great optimization model. Since the sales log can be created in little time it allows flexibility, making changes based on campaign criticality or targeted goals. 

It is possible to maximize the use of a sales log in boosting the sales of TV ads by building on the information currently owned about the customers. If Television companies can implement this model successfully, optimization of the sales log could be the pathway to a resurge of TV ad sales.

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